Civil War Bewaffnung

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1863 Springfield Civil War Rifle (Original)

Civil War Ammunition
Minie Ball Cartridge Rolling and Trivia

Civil War Tech The Minie Ball

Colt 1847 Walker Pistol

How to Load a Powder Cartridge for Brown Bess
or .75 East India Company Musket

How to Make a Real Civil War Cartridge

How To Make Civil War Cartridges

Making Paper Cartridges 1858 Remington

Rare Weapons of The American Civil War
1860 - 1865

Gunsmith of Williamsburg kompletter Film - Deutsch

Guns of the Civil War

US Civil War Weapons and Tactics
Civil War Technology

Civil War Repeating Rifles and Carbines
1861 to 1865 - A Short History

The Weapons of the American Civil War
Guns the Evolution of Firearms

US Civil War - Cavalry Breechloading Carbines

Civil War Sniper Rifle

The Civil War in Four Minutes - Artillery


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