Sonstige Video`s

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Birth of a nation (1915)
The Clansman

Birth of a Nation - Aufstand zur Freiheit (2016)

What If The South Had Won
The American Civil War

10 Historical Mysteries of the Civil War

A collection of then and nows from the
Gettysburg Battlefield


Dying words of Confederate soldiers

Gettysburg Ghost
Most Authentic Video to date

Ghosts of the Gettysburg Battlefields

Stories from Gettysburg
The Faces of Pickett's Charge

Prison Camps in the Civil War

Civil War 1864 - A Virtual Reality Experience
In the Trenches - The Confederate Line

Scalping on the Frontier - The Truth

Living The Civil War
American History through Southern

A Modern South
American History through Southern Eyes

King Cotton
American History through Southern Eyes


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