Civil War Medical Video`s

Achtung !!! Videos können verstörende Sequenzen enthalten !!!

Civil War Amputation Demo

The Gruesome Reality of Civil War Medicine

How to do - Civil War Amputations

Civil War Amputation and Medicine

Civil War Medical Documentary

Civil War Tech Medicine

Civil War Medicine

Milk Creek Mercantile Civil War
Amputation Kit Comparison

A Civil War Surgeons Kit

The Civil War Diseases Amputations
and the Weapons that Caused Them

Richmonds Civil War Hospitals

Amputations and Artificial Limbs in the Civil War

Civil War Medical Demonstration

Living History Days Fall 2011
Surgery Reenactment

A Lesson in Civil War Medicine
Dr Jack W. Thomason

The Civil War in Four Minutes Civil War Medicine

86th NY Civil War Medicine Dr Spencer Annabel MD Part 1

86th NY Civil War Medicine Dr Spencer Annabel MD Part 2

Civil War Medicine

Minie Ball Injury

The Civil War in Four Minutes - Amputations

Anesthesia in the Civil War
National Museum of Civil War Medicine

A look at a Civil War medical
Coolidge Case or Surgeons Companion

Civil War Bandages and Bandage Rolling Machine

Civil War Head Surgery Artifacts - Trephining

Civil War Hospital Artifact Reveal
Medical Knapsack

Medical artifact reveal What is patent
lint its purpose and how was it used

Civil War Surgeons Pocket Kit

Civil War Tourniquets

Confederate Medical Service - What were the
differences and similarities between C.S. and U.S.

PART 1 Civil War Nurses
How does it compare to modern nursing

Part 2 Civil War Nurses
What did the job look like on the front lines

Grandchild of the Nurses Lamp
1800s Camp backpacking Stove

Who was the Hospital Steward
during the American Civil War

ParTt 1 Gen-l Orders 147 and the organization
of the Civil War Union Ambulance Corps

Part 2 Gen-l Orders 85 and the organization
of the Civil War Union Ambulance Corps

Surgeons Call Part 1

Surgeons Call Part 2

What is the Difference between
Lint and Charpie and how to make both

Medicine in the Civil War

Arm Amputation

Nursing During the Civil War

What life was like as a medic in the Civil War

Broken Bodies Suffering Spirits
The Teaser

Broken Bodies Suffering Spirits
Introduction - Walt Whitman

Broken Bodies Suffering Spirits
02 - A Hospital City

Broken Bodies Suffering Spirits
03 - Civil War Doctors

Broken Bodies Suffering Spirits
04 - Nurses

Broken Bodies Suffering Spirits
05 - Sanitary Fair

Broken Bodies Suffering Spirits
06 - United States Colored Troops

Broken Bodies Suffering Spirits
07 - Wounds and Surgery

Broken Bodies Suffering Spirits
08 - Illness and Medicines

Broken Bodies Suffering Spirits
09 - Medical Legacy

Side by Side Surgery -
Amputation Through the Ages

What it was like working in a
Civil War Field Hospital

National Museum of Civil War Medicine


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