Medizinische PDF-Bücher

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A Catalogue of Surgical Instruments Manufactured and supplied by Matthews Brothers 1874 12 Mb
A Confederate Surgeons Letters to his Wife 6 Mb
A Contribution to the history of the Hip-Joint operations performed during the late Civil War being the statistics of twenty cases of amputations and thirteen of resections at this articulation in the Southern Service 3 Mb
Additional Rules for the Laboratories of CS Arsenals and Ordnance Depots (1863) 3 Mb
A Dictionary of Practical Surgery 92 Mb
A History of Civil War Medicine 1 Mb
A Journal of hospital life in the Confederate army of Tennessee - from the battle of Shiloh to the end of the war - with sketches of life and character and brief notices of current events during that period 309 Mb
A lecture introductory to the course of surgical instruction in the Kentucky School of Medicine 1854-55 26 Mb
Aloes Illustrated and Priced Catalogue of Superior Surgical Instruments Physicians Supplies and Hospital Furnishings 254 Mb
A Manual of Etherization containing directions for the Employment of Ether, Chloroform and other Anestethics Agents by Inhalation in Surgical Operations 6 Mb
A Manual of Military Surgery20 Mb
A Manual of Military Surgery (1862) 738 Mb
A Manual of Military Surgery or Hints on the Emergencies of Field Camp and Hospital Practice (1861) 12 Mb
A Manual of Military Surgery Third Edition 945 Mb
A Manual of Military Surgery for the use of Surgeons in the Confederate Army - 1861 20 Mb
A Manual of Military Surgery for the use of Surgeons in the Confederate Army - 1862 22 Mb
A Manual of Military Surgery for the use of Surgeons in the Confederate Army - 1863 20 Mb
A Manual of Military Surgery for the use of Surgeons in the Confederate Army - 1864 28 Mb
A Manual of Military Surgery for the use of Surgeons in the Confederate Army - with an Appendix of the Rules and Regulations of the Medical Department of the Confederate Army 313 Mb
A Manual of Military Surgery for the use of Surgeons in the Confederate Army - with Explantatory Plates of Useful Operations by J. JULIAN CHISOLM, M.D. 29 Mb
A Manual of Military Surgery - Confederate Army 21 Mb
An Analysis of Medical Ethic Practice by Union and Confederate 1 Mb
Anatomy descriptive and surgical by Heney Gray, f.r.s. Lecturer on anatomy at Saint George's Hospital. 1 Mb
An entire new treatise on leeches wherein the nature properties and use of that most singular and valuable reptile is most clearly set forth 6,5 Mb
Analytical Therapeutics - Constantine Hering 19 Mb
Angels of the Battlefield - A history_of the labors of the Catholic sisterhoods in the late Civil War 130 Mb
A Practical Treatise on the Causes Symptoms and Treatment of Spermatorrhoea 23 Mb
A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of Infancy and Childhood 44 Mb
Arnold and Sons Catalogue of Surgical Instruments 1873 21 Mb
Arnold and Sons Catalogue of Surgical Instruments 1874 6 Mb
Arnold and Sons Catalogue of Surgical Instruments 1876 24 Mb
Arnold and Sons Catalogue of Surgical Instruments 1879 22 Mb
Arnold and Sons Catalogue of Surgical Instruments 1880 36 Mb
Arnold and Sons Catalogue of Surgical Instruments 1882 12 Mb
Arnold and Sons Catalogue of Surgical Instruments 1885 14 Mb
Arnolds Medical Companion for Young Men Containing the Laws of Physiology and Health 8 Mb
A system of surgery - First Edition 645 Mb
A system of surgery - Second Edition 610 Mb
A system of surgery - Third Edition 674 Mb
A system of surgery - Vol 1 475 Mb
A system of surgery - Vol 2 418 Mb
A system of surgery - Vol 3 429 Mb
A system of surgery - Vol 4 380 Mb
A Treatise of Leeches 380 Mb
A treatise on military surgery and hygiene 613 Mb
A Treatise on Opium 16 Mb
A Treatise on the Art of Cupping 5 Mb
A Treatise on the medicinal Leech 7 Mb
A Treatise on the Operations of surgery with a description and representation of the Instruments used in performing them 80 Mb
Biographical Memoir John Shaw Billings 1838-1913 2,5 Mb
Catalogue and Report of Obstetrical and Other Instruments Exhibited at the Conversazione of the Obstetrical Society of London 1866 12 Mb
Catalogue of Drugs Pharmaceutical_Preparations and Medicinal Wares offered to Physicians 26 Mb
Catalogue of Surgical and Orthopaedic Instruments Manufactured and sold by Krohne and Sesemann 1878 33 Mb
Charles Lentz and Sons Illustrated Catalogue and Price List of Surgical Instruments Orthopaedical Apparatus Trusses Etc. 1892 62 Mb
Chas F. Thackray - A Catalogue of Surgical Instruments and Surgical Sundries Miniature Edition 39 Mb
Chas Truax Green and Co Veterinary Instruments Surgical Instruments 1894 19 Mb
Circular No3 - Surgeons Generals Office, Hospital Fund 2,5 Mb
Civil War Field Surgeon Dr. Mary Walker Only Woman to Win the Medal of Honor Documents 124 Mb
Claudius Ash and Sons A Catalogue of Artificial Teeth Dental Materials Instruments Tools 1880 14 Mb
Claudius Ash and Sons A Catalogue of Artificial Teeth Dental Materials Instruments Tools 1886 34 Mb
Claudius Ash and Sons A Catalogue of Artificial Teeth Dental Materials Instruments Tools 1886 - Appendix 20 Mb
Claudius Ash and Sons A Catalogue of Artificial Teeth Dental Materials Instruments Tools 1893 39 Mb
Claudius Ash and Sons A Catalogue of Artificial Teeth Dental Materials Instruments Tools 1899 51 Mb
Clothing Adaptations of Civil War Amputees 7,5 Mb
Confederate States Medical & Surgical Journal 1864 - 1865 126 Mb
Confederate States Medical & Surgical Journal 1864 - 1865 with additional Statements 126 Mb
Constantine Herings Life - Father of Homeopathy in America 6 Mb
Contributions to reparative surgery 16,5 Mb
Deformity an Essay 8 Mb
Down Bros - A Catalogue of Surgical Instruments and Appliances 1890 36 Mb
Dr. Chase`s Recipes 38 Mb
Dr. H.J. Bigelow dead the great surgeon passes away at Newton the son of a Boston physician and himself a leader in his profession - he figured in the first experiment with ether to relieve paiN 1,7 Mb
Essays on Civil War Medicine 1 Mb
Evans and Wormull Surgical Instruments Appliances Apparatus and Utensils Veterinary Instruments Cutlery 1876 21 Mb
Fine Surgical and Orthopaedical Instruments Trusses Lincoln and Luchesi 7 Mb
Gemrig's Catalogue of Surgical Instruments[1] 24 Mb
Gemrig's Catalogue of Surgical Instruments[2] 24 Mb
G. Huclin and Cie - Catalogue Illustre des Instruments de Chirurgie Appareils de Medecine et Accessoires de Pharmacie 1887 12 Mb
George Tiemann Illustrated Catalogue of Surgical Instruments 1872 7 Mb
Handbook for the Military Surgeon 10 Mb
HAND-BOOK for the Military Surgeon: Being a Compendium of the Duties of the Medical Officer in the Field, the Sanitary Management of the Camp , the Preparation of Food etc. - With Forms for the Requisitions for Supplies, Returns, etc.; The Diagnosis and Treatment of the Camp Dysentery; and all the ImportantPoints in War Surgery: Including Gunshot Wounds, Amputation, Wounds of the Chest, Abdomen, Arteries and Head, and the use of Chloroform - First Edition 136 Mb
HAND-BOOK for the Military Surgeon: Being a Compendium of the Duties of the Medical Officer in the Field, the Sanitary Management of the Camp , the Preparation of Food etc. - With Forms for the Requisitions for Supplies, Returns, etc.; The Diagnosis and Treatment of the Camp Dysentery; and all the ImportantPoints in War Surgery: Including Gunshot Wounds, Amputation, Wounds of the Chest, Abdomen, Arteries and Head, and the use of Chloroform - Second Edition 142 Mb
Handbook of Surgical Operations 16 Mb
Harris and Companys New Sample Book of Cut and Gummed Druggists Labels 7 Mb
Hockin Wilson and Co Catalogue of Surgical Instruments 1895 4 Mb
Hood and Reynolds Catalogue of Dental Materials Instruments Furniture Tools etc. 1881 29 Mb
Horatio G. Kern Catalogue of Surgical and Dental Instruments Elastic Trusses Syringes 1868 6 Mb
HOSPITAL GANGRENE - As it manifested itself in the Confederate Armies, DURING THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865 by Joseph Jones M.D. 8 Mb
Hospital Sketches by L. M. ALCOTT 8 Mb
Illustrated Alphabetical Register Of Veterinary Instruments Anatomical Models Books 1881 - John Reynders and Co 10 Mb
Illustrated Catalogue Of Surgical Instruments And Appliances 1874 By Caswell Hazard and Co 10 Mb
Illustrated Catalogue Of Surgical Instruments Apparatus And Appliances By Evans and Wormull 1889 23 Mb
Introductory for 1844-5 - on the present position of someof the most important of the modern operations of surgery 32 Mb
James Woolley Sons and Co Ltd. - Catalogue of Surgeons Instruments and Medical Appliances Electro-Therapeutic Apparatus Sundries for the Surgery and Sick Room Medicine Chests 1896 40 Mb
John Reynders and Co Illustrated Catalogue and Price List of Surgical Instruments Spectacles Eyeglasses optical Goods Orthopaedical Apparatus Trusses Supporters Etc 1889 6 Mb
John Reynders and Co Illustrated Catalogue of Veterinary Instruments 1890 9 Mb
John Weiss and Son Catalogue of Surgical Instruments Apparatus Appliances Etc. 1863 14 Mb
Journal of the History of Dentistry 7 Mb
Knauth Brothers Catalogue of Surgical Instruments and Physicians Supplies Electro and Orthopedic Apparatus 1891 25 Mb
Krohne and Seseman Catalogue of Surgical and Orthopaedic Instruments 1894 9 Mb
L. Matthieu Fabricant d Instruments Chirurgie 1862 6 Mb
Manual for the Medical Department 12 Mb
Manual Of Surgical Bandages Devices And Dressings 1859 By Joseph Gofres 7 Mb
Matthews Brothers - A Catalogue of Surgical Instruments 7 Mb
Medical and Surgical Journal - 1884-XXVII 10 Mb
Medical Discourses in Two Parts 1 Mb
Medical Recollections of the Army of the Potomac 12 Mb
Medical Reminiscences of the Civil War 1 Mb
Medicine of the Civil War - an exhibit at the National Library of Medicine 21 Mb
Memorical Sketches of Dr. Moses Gunn, by his wife 15 Mb
Minor Surgery on Bandaging 19 Mb
Modern Surgery 4th edition by John Chalmers Da Costa 331 Mb
Muskets and Medicine or Army Life in the Sixties by CHARLES BENEULYN JOHNSON, M.D. 12 Mb
Notes and Observations on Army Surgery - Felix Formento 10 Mb
Notes on the surgery of the war in the Crimea with remarks on the treatment of gunshot wounds 170 Mb
Obstetrics: The Science and The Art by Charles D Meigs M.D. 170 Mb
On the anatomy of the breast, volume I 18 Mb
Outlines of surgical diagnosis 538 Mb
Pain and Anaesthetics - An Essay, Introductory to a Series of Surgical and Medical Monographs 14 Mb
Personal Memoirs of John H. Brinton Major and Surgeon U. S. V. 13 Mb
Plastic Surgery of the Face, Based on Selected Cases of War Injuries of the Face Including Burns 22 Mb
Practical Remarks on the Treatment of Wounds and Fractures with Appendix on Camp and Military Hospital - John Jones M.D. 127 Mb
Price List Of Physicians Supplies 1893 By Charles Truax 156 Mb
Rebel in the Ranks of Medicine 1840-1921 - Simon Baruch 4 Mb
Recollections of a Rebel Surgeon (and other Sketches) or in the Doctor`s Sappy Days 17 Mb
Regimental surgeons of the State of New_York, in the War of the Rebellion _1861-63 48 Mb
Regulations for the Medical Department of the Confederate Army 40 Mb
Regulations for the Medical Department of the Confederate States Army (1861) 27 Mb
Reminiscences of the hospitals of Columbia SC during the four years of the Civil War 3 Mb
Report of Lewis H. Steiner M.D. Inspector of the Sanitary Commission containing a Diary kept during the Rebel Occupation of Frederick M.D. and an Account of the Operations of the U.S. Sanitary Commission during the Campin in Maryland 1862 3 Mb
Researches upon -spurious vaccination- or the abnormal phenomena accompanying and following vaccination in the Confederate army during the recent American Civil War 1861-1865 13 Mb
Resources of the southern fields and forests medical economical and agricultural being also a medical botany of the Confederate States with practical information on the properties of the trees plants and shrubs 711 Mb
Roster of all Regimental Surgeons and Assistant Surgeons 15 Mb
Samuel S. White Calalogue of Dental Materials Furniture Instruments Etc. 1867 16 Mb
Satterlee General Hopital 25 Mb
Sharp and Smith Catalogue of Veterinary Surgical Instruments 7 Mb
Sharp and Smith Surgical Instruments Deformity Apparatus etc. 1889 76 Mb
Sharp Civil War Medicine Presentation 9 Mb
S. Maw and Son - A Catalogue of Surgeons Instruments Air and Water Beds - Pillows and Cushions - Bandages Trusses - Elastic Stockings Inhalers Galvanic Apparatus and Other Appliances Used by the Medical Profession 1866 9 Mb
S. Maw Son and Thompson Book of Illustrations to S. Maw Son and Thompsons Quarterly Price - Current 1870 15 Mb
S. Maw Son and Thompson Book of Illustrations to S. Maw Son and Thompsons Quarterly Price - Current 1882 40 Mb
Special Instructions to Surgeons (1863) 2 Mb
Surgery and its adaptation into homoeopathic practice 563 Mb
Surgery Illustrated Compiled from the Works OP Cutler Hind Velpeau and Blasius with Fifty-Two Plates 22 Mb
Surgical and War nursing 163 Mb
Surgical Instruments 1899 By William Hatteroth 19 Mb
The American Armamentarium Chirurgicum 62 Mb
The Army Medical Department, 1818-1865 59 Mb
The Army Surgeon's Manual 11 Mb
The army surgeons manual for the use of medical officers cadets chaplains and hospital stewards - containing the regulations of the Medical Department all general orders from the War Department and circulars from the Surgeon-Generals Office 205 Mb
The army surgeons manual for the use of medical officers cadets chaplains and hospital stewards containing the regulations of the Medical Department all general orders from the War Department 174 Mb
The First Civil War Photographs Of Soldiers With Facial Wounds - Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 19 6,5 Mb
The First Lines of the Practice of Surgery 45 Mb
The History of Surgical Anesthesia 44 Mb
The Hospital Steward`s Manual 6 Mb
The Lessons of the War to the Medical Profession by George Derby M.D. 3 Mb
The life of a Civil War surgeon from the letters of William S. Newton 3 Mb
The Mechanics of Surgery by Charles Truax 76 Mb
The medical and surgical history of the war of the rebellion (1861-65) 1500 Mb
< The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion Vol 1 - 6 ;> 4300 Mb
The principles of surgery 650 Mb
The Soldiers with empty Sleeves - The Minnie Ball and The Civil War Medicine 14 Mb
The Throat and The Voice - The Complete Text 26 Mb
Thirteen Month in the Rebel Army beeing a narrative of Personal Adventures in the Infantry, Ordnance, Cavalry, Courier, and Hospital Services 11 Mb
Thomas Hall - Illustrated Catalogue of Electro-Medical Instruments 1859 2 Mb
Thomas Hall - Illustrated Catalogue of Electro-Medical Instruments 1861 5 Mb
Thomas Hall - Illustrated Catalogue of Electro-Medical Instruments 1864 2 Mb
Thomas Hall - Illustrated Catalogue of Electro-Medical Instruments 1869 5 Mb
Three Years in Camp and Hospital by E.W. Locke 17 Mb
To Kill and to Heal: Weapons and Medicine of the Civil War 5 Mb
Varnout et Galante Catalogue des Appariels et Instruments de Medecine et de Chirurgie 1851 6 Mb
Walter S. Newhall A Memoir Published for the Benefit of the Sanitary Commission 1864 8 Mb
With Sabre and Scalpel - The Autobiography of a Soldier and Surgeon John Allan Wyeth, M.D., LL.D. 36 Mb
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