PDF-Bücher über Einbalsamierung

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N A history of Egyptian mummies, and an account of the worship and embalming of the sacred animals by the Egyptians (1834) 17 Mb
N Anatomia reformata sive Concinna corporis humani dissectio (1687) 64 Mb
N Anatomy and embalming by A Nunnamaker (1913) 21 Mb
N Anatomy and Embalming 10 Mb
N An Essay on Egyptian Mummies With Observations on the Art of Embalming Among the Ancient Egyptians 3 Mb
N A manual of autopsies designed for the use of hospitals for the insane and other public institutions 26 Mb
N A practical guide for making post-mortem examinations, and for the study of morbid anatomy, with directions for embalming the dead, and for the preservation of specimens of morbid anatomy 26 Mb
N Autopsy Techniques 2 Mb
N Clarkes text-book on embalming [electronic_resource] illustrating and describing the anatomy of the human body as is needed by the professional or expert embalmer 11 Mb
N Consens der Fuernemsten (1574) 1 Mb
N De lembaumement chez les anciens et chez les modernes et des conservations pour letude de lanatomie (1872) 10 Mb
N Description of an Egyptian mummy presented to the Massachusetts General Hospital with an account of the operation of embalming in ancient and modern times (1824) 2 Mb
N Description of an Egyptian mummy with an account of the operation of embalming in ancient and modern times (1824) 2 Mb
N Directions for making anatomical preparations formed on the basis of Pole Marjolin and Breschet and including the new method of Mr. Swan (1831) 47 Mb
N Egyptian mummies (1950) 2 Mb
N History of embalming 1840 8 Mb
N History of embalming and of preparations in anatomy pathology and natural history including an account of a new process for embalming (1840) 12 Mb
N Intracranial Tumors Among the Insane A Study of Twenty-nine Intracranial Tumors Found in Sixteen Hundred and Forty-two Autopsies in Cases of Mental Disease 18 Mb
N La faune momifiee de lantique Egypte (1905) 21 Mb
N List of licensed embalmers (1913) 5 Mb
N Managing_Death_Investigations.pdf 33 Mb
N Memoranda illustrative of the tombs and sepulchral decorations of the Egyptians - Also Remarks on mummies and observations on the process of embalming (1822) 7 Mb
N Mummies (1945) 3 Mb
N Nekpokedeia or The art of embalming (1705) 47 Mb
N Nociones de taxidermia (1849) 8 Mb
N Official list of licensed embalmers (1921)5 Mb
N On a Mummy opened at Stafford House on the 15th July 1875 (1876) 3 Mb
N Otia aegyptiaca - discourses on Egyptian archaeology and hieroglyphical discoveries (1849) 8 Mb
N Peruvian mummies and what they teach (1907) 2 Mb
N Post-Mortem Pathology A Manual of Post-Mortem Examinations and the Interpretations to be Drawn Therefrom A Practical Treatise for Students and Practitioners 154 Mb
N Practical Anatomy Including a Special Section on the Fundamental Principles of Anatomy 45 Mb
N Practical Pathology A Manual of Autopsy and Laboratory Technique for Students and Physicians 26 Mb
N Practical Pathology Including Morbid Anatomy and Post-Mortem Technique 33 Mb
N Roentgenologic studies of Egyptian and Peruvian mummies (1931) 9 Mb
N Special Autopsy Methods 1 Mb
N Studies in the palaeopathology of Egypt (1921) 31 Mb
N The art and science of embalming 1898 13 Mb
N The champion text book on embalming (1897) 30 Mb
N The champion text book on embalming (1897) Revised Edition 52 Mb
N The essentials of anatomy and embalming 1906 8 Mb
N The migrations of early culture; a study of the significance of the geographical distribution of the practice of mummification (1915) 11 Mb
N The Mummy - chapters on Egyptian funeral archeaology (1893) 31 Mb
N The tomb of two brothers (1910) 8 Mb
N The triple mummy case of Aroeri-Ao (1858) 2,1 Mb
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